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Yellow Vests Protest UN Migration Pact In Belgium

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 18 December 2018 06:00.

Occidental Dissent, “Yellow Vests Protest UN Migration Pact In Belgium”, 16 Dec 2018:


I’m starting to think The New York Times was engaging in some wishful thinking about the Yellow Vests movement losing steam. The action has shifted to Belgium:

Sotiri Dimpinoudis @sotiridi Dec 16

#Update: Already 1000 people gathered to protest in #Brussels against the #UN Migration Pact of #Marrakech! More Trains and Cars are expected to arrive in the #Belgian capital!


#Brussels #Belgium approximately 5.500 protesters march against #Marrakech without violence.

Riots broke out AFTERWARDS and should not be associated with the march.
3:04 PM - Dec 16, 2018

Oom Ashii@AshiiK11
Chaos in EU’s capital #Brussels.

Massive protests have erupted in Brussels against adoption of #UNMigrationCompact. Signing of this compact means Belgium has been sold to Globalists.

Protestors have been beaten and arrested.

more of the same
DECEMBER 17, 2018 AT 9:16 AM
UN Migration Pact: The Final Solution to The White Problem. I can’t imagine why there’s been so little MSM coverage about it.

Yellow Vests are zeroing in on what really matters.

Sotiri Dimpinoudis@sotiridi
Replying to @sotiridi
#Breaking: Protestors are smashing every window of the European Commission building they can see in their path! To protest against the #UN Migration Pact of #Marrakech in #Belgium!
2:19 PM - Dec 16, 2018

#Update: Picture of the European Commission building in the European district “#Schumanplein” in #Brussels Surrounded by Tear-Gas cloud! To protest against the #UN Migration Pact of #Marrakech in #Belgium!
Sotiri Dimpinoudis
Replying to @sotiridi
2:20 PM - Dec 16, 2018

Eleven French Generals Sign Letter Accusing Macron of Treason for Signing U.N. Global Migration Pact

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 15 December 2018 18:21.

Voice of Europe, “Macron accused of treason by French generals for signing UN Migration Pact”, 14 Dec 2018:

General Antoine Martinez has written the letter signed by ten other generals, an admiral and colonel, and also includes former French Minister of Defense Charles Millon.

They’ve given strong warning that Macron’s signing the U.N. Global Migration Pact strips France of even more sovereignty providing an additional reason for “an already battered people” to “revolt”.

The highly decorated military co-signees assert that the beleaguered Macron is “guilty of a denial of democracy or treason against the nation” for signing the migration pact without putting it to the people.

“The French state is late in coming to realize the impossibility of integrating too many people, in addition to totally different cultures, who have regrouped in the last forty years in areas that no longer submit to the laws of the Republic,” the letter advises, also saying that mass immigration is erasing France’s “civilizational landmarks”.

The pact, which has been protested in the Yellow Vest demonstrations in five countries, was signed by 164 nations, most against the will of the citizens as stated in dozens of country specific petitions, on Monday in Marrakech.

The immensely opposed and disastrous document declares unlimited migration to be treated as a human right and criticism of mass migration to be treated as hate speech.

Fields jury renders verdict of guilty on all charges, including first degree, pre-meditated murder.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 08 December 2018 06:19.

In a case that a normal and just society would probably find for manslaughter, James A. Fields is convicted of first degree murder among nine other charges.

Commentators for Fields defense spoke of the case: That he was apparently attacked by anti-fa all day; having had urine thrown on him amidst a melee where heavy objects were thrown; some others identifying with the right wingers had their eyes maced as police stood down and directed them through a gauntlet of anti-fa; ensuing that, Fields was allegedly attacked in a parking garage as he attempted to flee; culminating in an anti-fa (a teacher who bragged about) pointing a gun at him in a readiness position; after which Fields finally got into his car and drove it onto the one way street; checking his GPS at one point (indicating that he wanted to know the way out, in accordance with other plans he had for coming days, not how to plan a murder); finally, anti-fa smashed Fields car at least twice with heavy sticks, with loud noises that could have sounded like gun shot, causing a temporary “me or them” panic. He then accelerated (although perhaps not to as high a speed as it may appear) toward the jay-walking crowd, perhaps hoping they might scurry as they otherwise blocked his only legal car passage through the street.

The defense goes something like that.

At some points there and undoubtedly along the way, Fields used very bad judgment.

A key bad move was in joining a right-wing rally - “Unite The Right” - which, deliberate or not, was perfect to bring those reacting to liberalism’s destructiveness into a trap.

If “the Alt-Right” had anything particularly right in its overall conception, it was that it was Not so united as to be easily pinned-down and targeted. Then they went and betrayed that one thing they had most correct, with a damn fool thing like uniting under one banner. Typical right-wing perfidy.

Fields did not help his case as he bought-into the right wing prescriptions, professing admiration for Hitler since his school days, while also displaying a volatile emotional state that may have included threats and battery against his mother.

The jury was told about this and shown internet postings by Fields to depict a state of preparedness for such an event such that they might render a verdict of first degree, pre-mediated murder.

Details: Fields’ sentencing hearing will follow on Monday where he could face life in prison. Prosecutors said Fields was enraged when he drove through the crowd, and revealed an Instagram post saying “You have a right to protest, but I’m late for work” that he shared three months before the crash.

The more likely scenario would seem to be “manslaughter” with extenuating circumstances: perhaps diminished personal emotional/intellectual capacity, with impaired judgment as a result. A pervasive social environment of the nation where the genetic interests of Whites are under continual attack - verbally and logistically; while defense of one’s EGI is stigmatized where not outright prohibited; while in the prospect of self defense as a White, especially physically defending against assault from non-Whites, one has to be aware that doing so runs the risk of being charged with a hate crime and minimum of ten years in jail (you can even see postings on public buses: “hate crimes carry mandatory ten year jail sentences”).

Do I believe that Fields is guilty of first degree murder? No. Vehicular manslaughter probably yes. From what I can tell of that situation, even if you have to drive the wrong way down a one way street, you do that in order to escape, but you don’t drive into a crowd.

Those injured didn’t deserve it. Heather Heyer certainly didn’t deserve to die; those right wingers who mock her in death are disgraceful.

This incident is part and parcel of a right wing mindset that seeks to short cut social accountability.

It forms an example of why we should cultivate prescription of left ethnonationalism in defense of European peoples, such that the compassion of social accountability is built in conceptually from the start. Marginals such as Fields and Heyer might be directed back to their authentic, healthy organic patterns; while other marginals, those who think they’re objectively above it all in their right wing reactions, such that they might simply mock Fields and Heyer, might be encouraged to act like normal human beings with a sense of accountability, responsibility, compassion and social justice.

Condolences for Heather Heyer. And for those observing Fields example, don’t double down in unanimity with the right as the marginal Richard Spencer prescribes. On the contrary, get out of the right!


Related at Majorityrights: Unite the Right Charlottesville: successful neocon/liberal operation forces wedge against paleo-Cohn

Time to bring out the Viking: Sweden is the 5th nation to join yellow vest protest against migration

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 07 December 2018 20:33.

Around 1000 people participated in the 3-hour-long event outside the Swedish Parliament on Sunday, 2 Dec.

Voice of Europe, “Anti-globalist yellow vests movement ‘conquers’ Europe and spreads to fifth country”, 7 Dec 2018:

The yellow vests movement has spread to its fifth country, Sweden. Starting in France on 17 November, protests of the anti-globalist movement have been seen in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany.

Now yellow vest demonstrations against the UN Migration Agreement have been announced in Sweden on Saturday and Sunday.

Last Sunday around 1,000 Swedes gathered outside Parliament in Stockholm to demonstrate against Sweden’s signing of the UN Migration Agreement. This weekend, even larger events with more speakers will be held in the same place.

Migration to Sweden is in focus because the whole of society is adversely affected when hundreds of thousands of migrants from the third world are brought into such a small country. However, in the future, other issues may also be addressed.

“The citizens have been informed that the led migration policy is a profit, which it is not”, says one of the speakers, independent journalist and writer Katerina Janouch.

“The issue of Sweden’s signing of the UN Migration Framework is too important to be hidden away. The signing is done behind the people’s backs.”

“There should be a referendum about this. We should not let a reality denying, high-on-power elite decide. It is becoming increasingly apparent that those who govern Sweden, whoever they are, don’t have what’s best for the Swedes in mind.”, she continues. The Swedish resistance movement is inspired by the French, but not a copy of it. The Swedes focus on the issues considered most important for Sweden, while the French focus on their issues.

Another difference is that the Swedes have chosen events with speakers instead of street marches as protest form

Participants have been asked to wear yellow vests and a lot of those are likely to be seen in Sweden this weekend. Protests will also be held in Gothenburg, Malmö and several other cities.

As the yellow vests movement is spreading through Europe protests have been announced in Brussels (Belgium), Amsterdam and Rotterdam (The Netherlands), Stockholm (Sweden), Paris and several German cities.

Most protests are peaceful, but as usual the escalations receive the most mainstream media coverage. Last week protests in Paris and Brussels completely escalated as some violent groups used the protests to attack people and destroy public property. In the Netherlands the protests were peaceful last week and it is expected that they will be peaceful again.

If you are joining one of the protests, make your voice heard, stay safe and protest peaceful. It’s the best way to make a statement and not become demonised as a group by mainstream media.

Voice of Europe
, “‘It is time to bring out our inner Vikings’ – Swedes start protesting against mass migration in front of Parliament”, 3 Dec 2018:

Around 1000 people participated in the 3-hour-long event outside the Swedish Parliament on Sunday.

Several speakers participated, including Sweden’s most active and well-known journalist and freedom fighter Katerina Janouch, Reader in Business Administration Jan Tullberg, and lecturer and writer Lennart Matikainen.

Janouch stated that Sweden has gone from being a model country to a country that doesn’t care about its own citizens.

“The billions flow and no one is held accountable. Sweden is run by a bunch of imposters who abuse their power and don’t care about our well-being.”

“Criticism of mass migration may be silenced by the agreement. We must stand up for free speech. It is time to bring out our inner Vikings, to ignore political correctness and become even braver and clearer in how we speak and express ourselves”, she said.

Tullberg mentioned the Dublin Regulation which states that refugees should claim asylum upon arrival in the first safe country – something the Migration Pact clearly ignores.

He also criticised environmental destruction as grounds for asylum, since it basically means that people who neglect and destroy their country’s environment are rewarded rather than punished.

Matikainen argued that the Pact is full of rights – but contains no obligations.

Strangely enough, there were no left-wing counter-protesters present. Perhaps even Antifa have realised that Sweden has major problems. At the end of the demonstration the Swedish national anthem was sung. No Swedish mainstream media has reported the event.

Document reveals that Stasi-minded Merkel & co. may be beind UN’s mad experiment in human pan-mixia

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 29 November 2018 19:38.

Stasi-Minded Experiments in human pan-mixia

Voice of Europe, “Is Angela Merkel behind the UN Migration Pact? New document sheds light”,  29 Nov 2018:

Germany’s Deception: Internal documents from Germany’s Federal Foreign Office divulge that Angela Merkel’s government has been the main mastermind behind the controversial UN migrant pact.

The document, described by MP Petr Bystron of the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD), reveals that the Federal Foreign Office taking credit for the disastrous UN Migrant Pact, claiming they’ve been working on the agreement since 2016.

The deception runs deep, the Foreign Office having stated that the German government has been behind the Global Compact on Refugees and the Global Compact on Migration, saying that though they are not legally binding, they were both designed to be “politically binding”.

Belgian International Law professor Pierre d’Argent, has explained that the agreement sets up a “legal framework” that can be used by lawyers in interpreting the meaning of the law. “…one can imagine that in some cases before international jurisdictions, lawyers use this pact as a reference tool to try to guide them,” d’Argent said.

Alexander Gauland, Co-leader of Germany’s populist AfD party told Breitbart London:

“It’s becoming glaringly obvious that the German government was trying to deceive the public, and still is. They are trying to retroactively legalise Merkel’s illegal opening of the borders since 2015. If the AfD had not raised the topic of the Global Compact, no one would ever have known about it until it was too late.”

“Now we are discovering that this contract has been in the works for a long time, and on German initiative, no less. However, those responsible never bothered to mention it. For good reason. We will do everything we can to avert this disaster in the making,” he said further.

The US, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Israel, Australia, The Czech Republic, Italy, Slovakia and more have backed out and will not sign the pact.

“We are only responsible to our Austrian population as government officials. Austrian sovereignty has top priority for us, this must be preserved and protected,” Austrian Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache said about pulling out of the pact.

Related at Majorityrights:


Germany Introduces Forced Integration

BREAKING: Slovakia will not support UN migration pact under any circumstances, Prime Minister says

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 26 November 2018 13:01.

Prime Minister of Slovakia, Peter Pellegrini

Voice of Europe, “Slovakia will not support UN migration pact under any circumstances, Prime Minister says”, 25 Nov 2018:


“Slovakia will not support this United Nations pact under any circumstances and will not agree with it,” Pellegrini said after the meetings. The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration is set to be signed in Marrakech in December.

The rejection of the migration pact could pose problems for Pellegrini’s government as Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak, who was President of the United Nations General Assembly when the migration pact was adopted, threatened to resign if the government rejects the agreement. Pellegrini has faith that Lajcak will stay even though they are rejecting the pact, “I will do everything I can to keep him in his seat”.


Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 22 November 2018 13:23.

Nordic penchant to confront Augustinian challenges exposes naivete to invasive, Manichean species?

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 10 November 2018 19:20.

Nordic episode: penchant to confront Augustinian, natural challenges, exposes naive susceptibility to invasive, viz. Manichean species?

An illustrative episode in which:

A Nordic woman expresses her nature to confront the Augustinian (Augustinian devils = natural devils, e.g., the cold), and anthropomorphized as such, indicates her natural inclination’s potential naivete and susceptibility to invasive, human species, particularly those of a more Manichean, trickster nature (Manichean = human, trickster devils, that can change the rules).

Augustinianism would be an evolutionary adaptation by those people confronted primarily with natural challenges (such as in the cold north), while Manicheanism would be an increased evolutionary adaptation by those confronted primarily by inter-tribal challenges (as in the Middle East)

- Observation by DanielS


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